
THE LE SIGH needs your help

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Over the weekend, THE LE SIGH‘s editor-in-chief Diana Cirullo was robbed. She is currently in the midst of compiling the second edition of the website’s zine and tape, and getting her laptop stolen right now was a particularly big blow to the project.

For those unfamiliar, THE LE SIGH is an ad-free blog that highlights women in music and art, with an emphasis on DIY voices. They also review zines, interview visual artists, and put on shows. Last year, they released their first physical zine and tape compilation, one of our favorite tapes of they 2013. As a blog, zine, and general curatorial platform, The Le Sigh is a inspiring, independent feminist voice.

I personally hold TLS very close to my heart as it was the first platform where I was given a real voice. Impose editor Liz Pelly has also contributed to the site, and I feel comfortable speaking for both of us when I say that this is a publication we consider part of our family.

Read the full statement and consider making a donation.

This is Diana, Editor-in-Chief of THE LE SIGH. I was in the process of putting together TLS Vol. II but over the weekend my apartment got broken into and many of my personal belongings were stolen. Unfortunately that includes the macbook and funds that were going to be used for this year’s zine and tape. We don’t typically like to ask for help but if you have even a few dollars to spare it would mean the world to us. If you are able to help, donations can be made here.

Stream THE LE SIGH Vol. 1 below.