
Confession: Dent May is making me feel good inside

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The Good Feeling Music of Dent May is pleasant, charming, catchy, and this fuzzy feeling in my gut is not provoking any gag reflexes.

[Photo shot during CMJ by Hatnim Lee.]

You can hate on guys like Zach Condon of Beirut or Jens Lekman for their super sweet indie crooning, but at some point, your stodgy convictions will cave and you'll start humming along to a song off Gulag Orkesta. Enter Dent May, who channels the aforementioned Condon and Lekman along with hints of Moz, Johnathan Richman and pretty much every other lovelorn music man playing precious pop about unattainable romance.

The big difference between May is most of his songs are led by his ukulele, which while on paper (or internet) might sound too sugar-coated, works out just swell. The Good Feeling Music of Dent May is out on Pawtracks in February.

Dent May, “Oh, Paris!”