

haus of price gem platforms

Haus of Price will bedazzle you

When making the move from LA to L.A. three years ago, James Price probably wasn’t planning on founding a mini shoe empire. But as necessity

teva stiletto

There are now Teva brand stilettos

This designer collaboration thing has officially gone too far. Last week, the unholy matrimony between subversive label Grey Ant and hippie hiking brand Teva was

Coach throws a party

The Coach brand is not exactly hip. Unless it stands for Coco Chanel, a double “c” logo is more likely to garner a WTH than

Lindsey Thornburg capes and cloaks

Few styles managed to non-awkwardly make the transition from 2008's “Native Americans are so totally rad and I don't think that's offensive” trend to 2010's

mary meyer decoder

Mary Meyer Spring 2010

Finally you can wear a shirt that says “no matter where you go, there you are,” but without looking like a douchebag who's wearing a

Karen Elson “Stolen Roses”

At the ripe old age of 31, British supermodel Karen Elson is making a transition from the runway to the recording studio, backed by husband