
Year in Pop: 2016

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Lindsay Powell's Fielded—forever; photographed by Alex Mallis.

Lindsay Powell’s Fielded—forever; photographed by Alex Mallis.

We introduced you to Fielded’s lauded Boy Angel EP, Lindsay Powell’s own label & fashion line Universally Handsome among other extensive coverage, and today we present a look at the Alex Mallis & Meerkat Media video for “I Choose You”. Filmed on location at NYC’s Enrique’s Unisex Salon, Powell emphasizes the power of choice in the connections made that follow what the heart earnestly desires. The quests for love & understanding are bolstered here like profound connections made in the chains of serial monogamy that takes part in an active, inclusive, and honest series of nu-gospel expressions. For those late arriving to the Fielded party, there is not greater time than now to open your ears, hearts, & intellect for a wholehearted experience that heightens all senses of feeling.

Lindsay shared some words with us in a recent conversation reflection on the making of the Alex Mallis & Meerkat Media video and filming at Enrique’s Unisex Salon:

“I Choose You” is probably the most honest song I’ve written in a long time. It opened me up and allowed me to write further candid and pensive songs that require of me a great deal of vulnerability. I needed a video that matched that feeling and also wanted to honor the song for what it gave to me. Alex and everyone involved at Meerkat Media were really sensitive to my ideas and together we formulated a powerful, cohesive vision. I knew I wanted to work with Enrique’s Unisex Salon because it was where I had been going to get my undercut. They are always so friendly and the place is marvelous to look at. Whenever you go back you always see something you missed before. Enrique’s also has a very compelling story. I love my community and I love being invited to be a part of others’ communities, as well. I wanted that to be palpable in the video. We were attempting to probe and re-present the preconceptions we all have about the quest for love and understanding in New York City. The people in the video have all made a choice: to work where they work, get their haircuts in a certain place, to kiss a certain person, to love in ways they may had never envisioned, to be together in a time when it’s so easy to be apathetic to the deep connection we can build with other people. The video offers choice as a creative act, radical all the more when the choice is that of real, human love and understanding.

Fielded’s Boy Angel is available from Lindsay Powell’s own Universally Handsome clothing line/music label from Brooklyn, NY.