
Year in Pop: 2016

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The Henry Millers

Catching up with The Henry Millers; press photo courtesy of the artists.

Catching up with The Henry Millers; press photo courtesy of the artists.

Taking their name from one of the twentieth century’s greatest literary provacteurs; The Henry Millers’ John MacCallum and Katie Schecter return with the new anthem of awkward, bottom-lip-biting nervous butterfly-fluttering feelings of asking someone out on their premiere of “Heartbreak”. John & Katie’s enthusiastic duet draws upon their bashful sentiments and recreates the swell of feelings and fight or flight sorts of courage that one gets while anticipating talking to the object of their obsessive affection. This is a song for all who feel confident at heart who need to be reminded of their own apprehensive and reluctant intuitions while emboldening the introverted to be brave in pursuing the ones that they care about.

“Heartbreak” moves quickly as John & Katie wear their emotions and feelings displayed proudly on their sleeve or shirt like a button or patch of a favorite phenomenon. The synth and piano hooks permeate the entire two-plus minute as The Henry Millers exhibit all the internalized musings and thoughts that pertain to the should I or shouldn’t I inward inquiries that contemplate proactive procedures of putting yourself out there. Owning up to their smiling, shoulder-shrugging pop; the two tackle all their most embarrassing fears about romantic failure while immortalizing their infatuated other through the crystallization of a song about the greatest love story that probably never was. Hear more from The Henry Millers in our following interview session.

Tell us about what is new and wonderful right now in the world of the Henry Millers.

Just bought a new guitar and getting ready for summer.

Describe for us how you have chronicled the evolution of THMs sound.

I’ve just been trying to evolve the chronicle sound-wise pretty much. Always move forward…hip hop has been influencing me a lot recently.

“Heart Break” rocks like an epic festival crashing banger—give us the tales of IRL, and maybe URL if relevant, stories of heartbreaks, aches, & quakes that may have played an informant part & contribution to this song.

I get super nervous talking to pretty girls…

What other recordings are next in the pipeline?

We are actually both working on solo music for now.

Current favorite Henry Miller novels, stories, essays, quotes, anecdotes, and the like?

I think we are both fans of his whole repertoire. Tropic of Capricorn was what I read first, so that definitely affected me the most.

How has the literary giant’s work impacted your own musical perceptions, approaches, and so on?

He didn’t write to make money writing, and that has always resonated.

Summer plans for The Henry Millers?

Stay cool!