
Year in Pop: 2016

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The return of Malmö, Sweden's son; David Kyhlberg, aka Picture.

The return of Malmö, Sweden’s son; David Kyhlberg, aka Picture.

You may remember some years back when we presented a first listen to Picture, aka David Kyhlberg from Sail A Whale, with the True EP from Cascine, and today we bring news of the EP Amethyst available now from Gothenburg, Sweden imprint Silence Productions. From the previous cycle that delivered the all at once/all encompassing new electro-arts of “Everything Time” to Kyhlberg’s own sonic cut contemplations that circled around observations of his local civic modes of transport and people-movers on “Malmö City Tunnel” receive their much awaited follow-up of “Cing”.

“Cing” springs forth like the end of the line from a commute that passes through the freeways and narrow streets of Stockholm, traveling out toward the surrounding bucolic pastures that signify an escape from the stresses of city life. One can hear the pressures mounting through the synths that slowly fade into the harp tinged echoes of ghosting voices that emerge from the track’s atmospheric ether. From here David enters the warm, rustic bathing pool-like ruins that conjure to mind what the remnants of our contemporary surroundings and systems will be like hundreds of years forth from now. The world of Picture continues to flash forth images to the mind that are unique to each listener while testing and pushing the limitations of what can be expressed through the post-micro-genre tags that generally reduce rather than relay audio that draws and rides outside the lines of conventional electronica constructs. Read our following long-distance interview with Picture’s David Kyhlberg.

Describe what you have been up to since you impressed the world with the Picture EP True.

After True came out I decided to take a break from Picture. I had an urge to make music together with other people. I released a USB-memory called “Clay Body” with Sail a Whale. I started Tricks with my friend Martin here in Malmö. I have also been collaborating with Private Stash and Mystery. These songs are still in the making and will soon be presented to the world.

Tell us about the making of the new EP and what processes were involved in the making of tracks like “Cing”.

Six month ago I realized I needed to focus on Picture again. So I rented a cabin a few miles from Malmö nearby a lake. The Amethyst EP was recorded in four days. The sound of the EP is the result of various feelings, good swimming and reading, all mashed up in five songs with a green cover.

You recently launched the side Tricks with your buddy Martin; interested in hearing how this project started and perhaps a bit about the making of tracks like the lush, all encompassing ethereal electric ambiance of “Everywhen”.

Me and Martin use to hang out at my place, staying up late talking about all sorts of stuff. Mostly about the injustice and the inhumanity that we´re seeing in the world right now. We often end up making music together. Both of us have a thing for dreamy sounds, and I guess our mood forms the melodies, dark but with a string of hope. ”Everywhen” is our first single on the Revenue label.

How did you all get Femi Frykberg to do the ice skating visuals as well?

Me and Martin both thought that ”Everywhen” needed a video. So when Femi at Revenue said she could make one we were very grateful and excited, because we are both big fans of her work. Of course the video turned out amazing and it fits the music very well.

What’s good these days in Malmö & Stockholm?

To be honest I’m not that updated. But should I name a few in Stockholm I’ve been listening to the past years, it have to be Sad Boys, Gravity Boys, Yemi and Quiltland. Charles from Team Rockit lives in Stockholm as well. In Malmö I actually have no clue.

Up close & personal with Picture's David Kyhlberg.

Up close & personal with Picture’s David Kyhlberg.

What else have you been working on lately? And I f there could be a philosophy that you employ with the arts of your sounds what do you feel it would be?

I just want to make music that makes you feel something inside. I think people in general need to feel more.

What three things have you been listening to so far this new year?

I don’t know if PC Music have put out anything in January, but I’ve been listening a lot to that recently. If I have to mention three artists I would have to say Dark0, Jacques Greene and Taragana Pyjarama.

Picture’s new album is available now from Silence Productions.