
Year in Pop: 2016

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Silent Wave

Tildeh Hjelm of Silent Wave; press photo courtesy of the band.

Tildeh Hjelm of Silent Wave; press photo courtesy of the band.

Gothenburg, Sweden’s sophisticated synth pop artists Silent Wave are made up of Tildeh Hjelm and producer Hans Olsson Brookes (known for his work with I Break Horses, José González, Junip, Westkust, and various Luxury Records artists), and the latest member Martin Öhman whose background in jazz percussion brings to the group what Hans refers to as; “organic, acoustic percussion with a more human groove to the darker, colder electronic beats.” Silent Wave’s forthcoming single “War” is available now from Luxury imprint offshoot Silence, and we have the pleasure and privilege of premiering their video for “Dancing Away From You”.

“Dancing Away From You” is presented like a dark, foggy night noir piece for contemporary audiences. Cold, muddling & murmuring synths underscores the emotive intensity and displeasure portrayed in the lyrics. Rural smoky village settings begins as we follow Tildeh as she walks about what appears to be a haunted estate filled with enchanted entities. The keyboard notes turn into something of paranormal forces, as we watch Tildeh dancing in front of an elaborate mirror while it appears a shadowy over-sized person in a bunny costume watches intently from the fore ground. Retreating to a dining room table, our heroine’s efforts prove futile as materializing masked specters eerily materialize from out of the the ether to scare Tildeh. From here the vexed mansion becomes a labyrinthine citadel where all hallways lead to dead ends, or meetings of more apparitions that appear out of the air. All the while she sings the song’s title in the chorus, as “Dancing Away From You” becomes the operative thesis and plot to shake off the mystical creatures that play about in dormant estates, paintings, and more. Tildeh Hjelm took the time to chat with us over long distance lines in the following interview feature.

From Hans’s work with I Break Horses, José González, Junip, Weskust, & various Luxury artists; Tildeh’s work in sound, song, aand film; Martin’s own jazz percussion pursuits; with all of these talents aligned, how to Silent Wave happen?

It started with me as a solo artist. Hans wanted to record me songs and that’s where everything started. Together we built up those songs in Hans’ studio and a new sound took place. After [a year and a half] we wanted to develop and started searching for a drummer and we found Martin!

Describe for us how the three of you go about contributing and creating together in songwriting, practice, and more.

Most of the time we start with my demos. I write the lyrics and melodies and make a simple recording at home. Then I bring it to the studio where Hans and I talk about the song and how they want to create the landscape. We start playing with Hans’ old analog gadgets and search for beautiful, often sad tunes with dark surroundings. And when we go live Martin completes it all with his organic drums.

Tildeh Hjelm of Silent Wave live; press photo.

Tildeh Hjelm of Silent Wave live; press photo.

Interested in hearing about the source of the apprehensions and exit strategies that informed “Dancing Away From You”.

The source is one and the exit another. There’s really nothing to describe. It’s up to each one to make their own interpretation.

Describe what the making of the video for “Dancing Away From You” was like, and how this world from the looking glass and portraits came alive.

Making the video for ”Dancing Away From You” was like stepping into another world. I study film in a small village. I lived in an old mansion where they got permission to make the music video. I spent the entire Halloween weekend accompanied by nine members of my class in the old house. We shared a lot of fun, ideas and awkward moments.. haha.

Since Hans and Martin have families and it was a big holiday, none of them could be present. So they filmed themselves in Gothenburg, sent the file and then we put them in a painting. A bit like “Harry Potter style”. In that way the whole band could be part of the story that the video contains.

Tell us about what you all are working on, and what’s exciting in Gothenburg right now?

Right now we’re working on a remix and preparing for a gig in London. In spring we’ll release another single, “War”, and in the summer when I comes back we’ll start recording new songs. We’re looking forward to that!

Listen to more from Silent Wave via Soundcloud and Spotify.