
Year in Pop: 2016

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Genuine Parts

Introducing the Bay Area's Genuine Parts (from left), Layla Cooper, Dani Aggie, Analisa Six, & Rakal Rose; photographed by Mark Murrmann.

Introducing the Bay Area’s Genuine Parts (from left), Layla Cooper, Dani Aggie, Analisa Six, & Rakal Rose; photographed by Mark Murrmann.

Bay Area’s Genuine Parts delivered their Southpaw Records EP, presenting the following premiere for the highway reclaiming rager “Road Angel”. The quartet of Layla Cooper, Dani Aggie, Analisa Six, & Rakal Rose formed back in 2014 with a dedication to the sounds and inspirations that guided yesterday’s heroes & icons from Suzi Quattro to The Runaways with a modern day appetite for mayhem & mischief while taking on the open roads. From the opening chord blasts, Genuine Parts immediately put forth the take no prisoners modus operandi as they rev up their engines for the freeways of the 101, 80, 280, and more that take off for new towns & saloons to takeover.

“Road Angel” updates the outdated binary king/queen of the road constructs for a new kind of rebellion. Genuine Parts’ Layla, Dani, Analisa, & Rakal make music to brawl to, ripping licks & riffs that make for instant DIY dive bar jukebox hits to play on repeat before last call. The rebel motorcycle gangs of the Bay find that the tables have been turned (and turned over that matter), as Genuine Parts write anthems for rocky, rough, & tough liaisons of both the romantic & adversarial that are edified here on “Road Angel” as one in the same. Genuine Parts set their sites for a new kind of hog-hauling biker with a heart of gold who is cool & creative enough to join their gang. We caught up with the band in the interview round feature.

It has become common knowledge that the Bay Area is forever in a flux, constantly in a state of ever-changing landscapes, arts, communities, and so forth. What do the four of you deeply appreciate and love about the Bay right now?

We appreciate the badass organizers fighting the displacement of the communities and places that have made the Bay Area what it is. We also feel really appreciative of the nature we are surrounded by in Oakland and Santa Cruz. We take as many hikes and beach days as possible.

Give us the story on what sorts of chewed up, heavy, revved up riffs and more informed the upcoming Southpaw EP.

When we first got together and started playing, we were all coming from bands that had a more of a punk, powerpop, and surfy sound. We still love all of that music, but we all wanted to try to do something different.
So we did what any band would do: we smoked a lot of weed and listened to a lot of KISS, Thin Lizzy and Judas Priest and started to find our own sound. Honestly, watching Glenn Tipton and KK Downing play guitar in early Judas Priest is so mind blowing we probably have a lifetime of inspiration just off of those records and videos. Our Drummer is heavily influenced by Rat Scabies and likes to practice along to the Damned in her free time and before sessions…

The sum of all Genuine Parts; press photo courtesy of the band.

The sum of all Genuine Parts; press photo courtesy of the band.

What sorts of freeway riding adventures and more inspired “Road Angel”?

Dani: Technically, a road angel is someone who saves your ass when your car or bike breaks down. They just sort of emerge out of nowhere like an angel and get you back on the road. The song is about falling in love with the unsung mechanic hero and riding off into the sunset together. It’s our only love song, AND it’s a true story.

What was the catalyst that brought you all together to create Genuine Parts?

Dani: I knew Rachael and Layla for a while from our previous bands. I always wanted the chance to work with both of them on a project, so when all our bands fizzled out around the same time I knew it was meant to be. Layla suggested Analisa for bass, who turned out to be a total shredder and a great songwriter. Everything just sort of fell into place naturally. It’s great to have the opportunity to play with musicians who I admire so much!

Cemetery hangouts with Genuine Parts; press photo.

Cemetery hangouts with Genuine Parts; press photo.

Upcoming summer & fall plans?

We have a few shows coming up here in the bay and we are focusing on writing material for an album.

What has everyone been watching, listening to, reading, etc lately?

We all have pretty eclectic tastes and each tend to be off in our own worlds listening, watching, and reading all sorts of things – anything from punk to classic rock, heavy metal, oldies, pop music, you name it. As for watching—we are all pretty into Game of Thrones right now. A band from SF called Queen Crescent has been something we have been hyped about as of late.

Genuine Parts’ new Southpaw Records EP is available now.