
Year in Pop: 2016

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Getting to know Athens, GA's PURSES; press photo courtesy of the band.

Getting to know Athens, GA’s PURSES; press photo courtesy of the band.

Today sees the releases of Athens, Georgia’s PURSES’ album Obsess Much and we give you a debut listen from the southern tune-smiths. Lead by Drew Beskin (previously of The District Attorneys and Party Dolls), this is that down home southern self-made rock sound that is more often than not heard by word of mouth. PURSES contain a kind of realness and heart that is not often heard on the coasts, but sometimes emerges in the southern and Midwestern sections and overlooked corners.

Obsess Much is a working-class song cycle for anyone who has been fixated on anything to a degree that is more than reasonable. The adventure begins with “Hitchhiker” that thumbs a ride like a traveling troubadour making their way from town to town, brining the big hearted valentine of “Clementine”, that rolls into the instant power-pop classic of “In And Over My Head”. PURSES never let you forget their southern roots for too long, depicting some nu-trucking fare on “Melody Shine”, that shines through on the down-home comfort heard on the Rhodes piano dotted “Another Lonely Tune”, the sentimental sides that serenade on “Stella McCartney”, right before knocking you off your feet with “Wheels On The Run”. Haunted hearts and nostalgic odes work in mysterious ways on the moving ballad “Hannah’s Song”, their previous single “White Wire Handle” that continues to show off the band’s range, to the closing farewell for now, hat-tipped gestures heard on Goodnight Kiddo. PURSES pen songs from personal places and then turn them into musical numbers that everyone will respond to according to which anecdotes and chords resonate the most. Obsess Much delivers comfort for the lonely, and that extra something that the content class never knew they needed.

Drew Beskin of PURSES shared some words with us on the making of their new album:

PURSES’ Obsess Much was recorded and mixed over the course of about eight days in Athens, Georgia. Me and a couple of friends of mine quickly learned these songs and tried to get all of the ideas and parts recorded as soon as possible. The goal was “spontaneity” and I think it turned out great. It’s a fun little pop record that isn’t super polished. I love making albums and hope to get into the habit where I can release something once a year. This is my third band/project after The District Attorneys and Party Dolls and the process keeps getting better because I get a little more comfortable each time. I am excited that this record is finally out and I can’t wait to get into the studio and start the next album.