
Year in Pop: 2016

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Magic Potion

Hanging out with Magic Potion; press photo courtesy of the band.

Hanging out with Magic Potion; press photo courtesy of the band.

Magic Potion’s new album Pink Gum is available now on vinyl via PNKSLM and Beech Coma and for a limited time we present you with the following album stream & interview with the band. The Swedish group begins the gooey & gummy action with a drink of “Milk”, washing it down with the lo-fi fun of “Cola Boyys”, before taking things to the subterranean circuits of “Deep Web”, keeping the flavorful motif alive on “Yummy 1”, or the gilded glistening “Golden Power”, to the warbling wonder of “Gemz”, that joins the lackadaisical “Jelly” for a trip down the cheesy spreads and schmears of “Cheddar Lane”, the boredom ennui action (and/or lack thereof) on “Boored”, right before leaving you with a toke on the ol’ “Peace Pipe”. Learn more about this delicious new album in our following interview with Magic Potion feature.

Give us the latest and greatest from Stockholm. One of my good mates just came back from there and said it’s pretty marvelous in spring.

Humane environmental conditions usually arise in the spring, with non-lethal temperatures and actual sunlight during the days. It’s quite a godsend except for the fact that zillions of silver birches bloom and 99% of swedes suffer from pollen allergy.

How did the four of you first connect, and what sorts of potions, sorcery, etc were involved in founding Magic Potion?

We got together one and a half years back to hang out, share a six pack and play around with a tape recorder. Some of us had played together before in other bands while some were acquainted from being in the same yoga class. The potions involved were consumed much earlier during our bud daze in the early 90s playing the video game Prince of Persia. The effects haven’t worn off since.

Tell us how in the world that you all are able to make such seemingly carefree & easy sounds….we can’t get enough of that “Jelly” single too by the way…

Through studying eastern philosophy we have developed a sense of acceptance of the reality that we can never be in control. Instead of total quality managing (TQM) our music, we embrace the imperfect traits of things and focus on achieving inner piiz™.

How did bubble gum of a pinkish hue become the titular marquee for the debut album Pink Gum?

We came up with the album title while passing Dragon Gate, Älvkarleby, on the way back home from a gig. Dragon Gate is an eerie and sick place, with a strange story, so maybe our brains got fuzzy and somehow we ended up feeling like a gum is the perfect symbol for how the album sounds. Also, we like the color pink.

A rendering of Dragon Gate, Älvkarleby, Sweden.

A rendering of Dragon Gate, Älvkarleby, Sweden.

Other local and international artists that you all love right now?

Chris Cohen, Cate Le Bon, The Modern Lovers, Boys, Holy

Summer dreams and wishes?

We hope for the birch pollen to forever dissipate and for love to prosper in eternity.