
Year in Pop: 2016

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Getting all glamorous & stuff with Seattle's Boyfriends; press photos appear courtesy of the band.

Getting all glamorous & stuff with Seattle’s Boyfriends; press photos appear courtesy of the band.

Featured recently in the video for “I Hate the Weekend” from their local friends Tacocat—of whom the band refers to dearly as their girlfriends—Seattle’s Boyfriends premiere their single “I Thought We Had Plans” with news of an April tour with Tacocat. Proclaimed to be Seattle’s newest pop sensation, Boyfriends follow-up last year’s DEMOS with even groovier DIY jams that promise to keep you moving, and charmed. Avowed worshipers and fanatics from the church of Freddie Mercury superstar-the glamorous messiahs behind the buzz are vocalist Michael McKinney, guitarist Sergio Mirazo, bassist Shawn Randles, and percussionist Ian Dugas who also entertained us this past week with an entertaining roundtable interview.

“I Thought We Had Plans” is full of the fun spirit that has overtaken the northwest increasingly as of late. It’s no secret that there is always a cornucopia of new earth-breaking sounds consistently spilling out of Seattle for as long as this sleepy writer can recall, but Boyfriends can be counted in the ranks that embrace the awkward hero of everyday misadventures and other relatable short stories. Think about the way output from like-minded luminaries like Chastity Belt, Childbirth, Lisa Prank, Pony Time, Snuff Redux, So Pitted, Tacocat (naturally), Wimps, and so forth has made you smile even on the greyest of overcast days. Boyfriends continue this tradition of delight in the face of all obstacles where peppy angular guitars, intriguing tonal choices, fashionable thrift-store aesthetics (in sound, vision, & textile choices as well), and the ability to find the enthusiasm in everything that would probably be an otherwise letdown.

This is the anthem for anyone and everyone that has ever been stood up by anybody, anywhere. Boyfriends fully without any sense of overt self-consciousness or irony turn and face the strange of situations that don’t go as planned, and everything from there takes on the histrionic farce of a Fellini picture. The opening lyrics of “I Thought We Had Plans” sets the stage for chaos, with the impending possibility of calamity, catastrophe, and more already about to fly off the hinges. “He threw a lemon at her head, and must have broke a lamp instead, ‘what are we doing she screamed, we are undoing it seems…” This is the song that has it all for everyone, from Boyfriends’ accordion harmonizing intro that then shift-kicks into a high gear that is the sound of everything you have loved about the DIY and independent scenes now for forever. This is the sound of your favorite kiwi band from the Flying Nun catalog being channeled through the dorm rooms, patios, shared garage spaces, dives, pop-up party venues, and the bouncing bedroom pop of underground Seattle. Keep an eye out for more big things happening with Boyfriends, and be sure to read our following interview with Michael, Sergio, Shawn, & Ian.

Give us the lesser known story about how Boyfriends became a band.

Sergio: Michael and I have a mutual friend that insisted we would be great friends, and that we should play music together, but I dismissed that because everyone’s friend says that. Anyway he walked into my place of work one night right as I was re applying my lipstick and we fell in love. We messed around with a book on black magic one night and accidentally summoned Shawn to a dance party at michaels house.

Michael McKinney: We all met as members of the Freddy Mercury’s Teeth Official Fan Club. This led to the formation of Boyfriends.

Shawn Randles: We met later that week to play music for the first time, we played to a drum machine and wrote like 4 songs that day. we played at a party at Spruce Haüs that night under the name “Hotdogs”. Ian came a few days later when he sent us this enthusiastic Facebook message; Hello, I am interested in playing drums with ya’ll. Let me know when you practice. I hope to be a suitable fit. we hired him instantly.

Valley of the Boyfriends.

Valley of the Boyfriends.

How has Boyfriends grown together as a group from your demo batch to the new 3 track 7″?

Shawn: The three songs from the 7” were taken from the same session. Being in the studio together we leaned some choreographed dances. one of them is called “the new shoe dance” we have some video of it that may make it into a music video one day.

Michael:Our individual places in the band have been fully realized; Sergi is the sweet one, Dugi is the savory one, Shawny is the creamy one, and Mikey is the tangy one.

Describe what it was like making the new 7″?

Shawn: We recorded at The Vault in Seattle with Ian lesage. the studio is in an old bank vault underneath an operating bank of America. you have to shut the huge vault door each time you go in and out of the recording studio. But the studio has a really great vibe, its always the best feeling when you get to take a few days off work and make some songs with your friends!

Michael: Like being in a warm bed full of kittens.

Sergio: Hot fun. Like spicy pork with hot link.

Getting all meta & creative with Boyfriends.

Getting all meta & creative with Boyfriends.

Can you tell us what sorts of plans, and/or lack of plans inspired “I Thought We Had Plans”?

Ian: BuzzDaddys, Bongo Jams, and planned spontaneity.

Sergio: I’m not sure. We were listening to a lot of Blink 182 and New Order at the time. It seemed like a nice song to write.

Mike: Actually, it was inspired by some graffiti that started showing up in bar bathrooms around our neighborhood. A simple scrawl, I thought we had plans, accompanied by a sad face with a tear drop. Simple, obvious, sad, and soooo good. So we borrowed it for the title of the song and invented a little story to go along with it.

What are you all the most excited about for your tour with Tacocat? They are old school pals and heroes of ours, do send them the best from Impose!

Shawn: Going on tour with our girlfriends will be sweet fun!!! Cuddling with Bree in the tour van.

Michael: Pillow fights, spa days, hook-ups and drama.

Sergi: Looking at all the tall buildings! Never seen one of them! Also, hanging out with my girl squirrel Lelah. :B

Ian: WeedMilk!

What else have Boyfriends been working on behind the scenes?

Ian: Fresh Honey, my son Epsom, and Yankee Dandy.

Sergio: Leather and lace. ?

Michael: Well, we’re getting ready to record our first full length album! And, we’re starting to work with someone one our very own line of Boyfriends lipstick for boys and girls.

Shawn:our very own brand of lip stick colors and herbal tea blends to sell at our shows. you can pick which color your favorite Boyfriend wears or you can collect them all!

Best bit of Seattle gossip that Boyfriends have heard recently?

Sergio: I heard Reuben Mendez is making graham crackers with Jeff McDonald in his apartment. Delicious. They’ll probably be selling them at Pike Place Market obvi.

Shawn: I don’t want to name any names but I’ve heard that a certain Seattle based, high profile, glass sculpture artist is in fact a reptilian.

What should we be excited about this spring, and summer?

Michael:We are touring the US this spring with Mommy Long Legs and then Tacocat!

Shawn: we are excited to record an album. you should be excited for beach blanket cat naps, summer solstice, and night swimming at the lake.

Ian:flowers and fresh honey.

Sergio: Jet skis, mesh body suits, make out sesh at T-dock.

Listen to more from Boyfriends via Bandcamp.